How can tap water be the world best source of water
Born and raised in the French Alps, I grew up with endless supply of fresh, untreated spring water that was rich in minerals and had no ugly taste. I was able to drink ‘Evian’ water straight out of the tap. That was many (many…) year ago… Nowadays it is virtually impossible to get tap water that isn’t tasting like chlorine at best or like plastic or dirt at worst when coming out of a silly old Australian water tank!
I currently live on acreage with no connection to the local water supply, so we collect rain water. This is quite good and our 2 x 45,000 litre underground concrete tanks keep the water pretty well, however one day a cane toad manage to find its way into one of the tanks through a broken overflow, and the water started to taste “funny”. After finding the culprit, a well intended helper decided to purify the water of the late cane toad by pouring – a very significant amount of – chlorine into the tanks!
You can imagine my horror when I turned on the tap and felt like I had just poured myself a glass of pool water!! Yes, that bad! I immediately got the eSpring water filter & purifier that was in storage connected to the tap, and hubby and I just could not believe that the chlorine taste had gone, instantly…
The incident happened over 2 years ago now, and the chlorine in the tanks has well and truly been flushed by clean rain water, but I have kept the eSpring purifier going as I figured the water catchments from the roofline aren’t that free of rotting leaves, Australian dust and dead bugs…
“I like to think that my family is safe drinking out of our tap. My cup of tea is much nicer that way and a glass of water tastes just like snow I used to eat growing up the French Alps! ”

eSpring Water Filter and Purifier
The eSpring Water Purifier is the world’s largest selling brand of in-home water treatment system. It combines a carbon block filter with the disinfectant power of Ultra-Violet (UV) light to destroy more than 99.99% of water-borne bacteria and viruses.
The result is cleaner, safer water that is more pure and better tasting than ever before.
Once the eSpring system is attached to your cold water supply, your family will enjoy the benefits of the world’s best source of water to your home, easily, conveniently and cost effectively.
eSpring Quick Facts:
- eSpring is the world’s largest-selling brand of home water treatment systems
- Destroys more than 99.99% of bacteria and viruses in drinking water
- The eSpring Water Purifier is the first in-home system to combine an ultraviolet purifier in a carbon-block filter with an electronic monitoring system
- Active carbon block filter bonds with many potentially toxic chemicals so they cannot pass into the water supply, leaving beneficial elements such as magnesium, fluoride and calcium to pass through
- eSpring is less expensive than bottled water: 600mls of filtered water using eSpring costs five cents.
- eSpring is better for the environment. Over 10 years and with routine filter replacement, one eSpring will filter the equivalent of up to 83,000 x 600 ml bottles of water
- The only in-home water treatment system to be certified to three internationally recognised water quality standards
- Convenient, intelligent and easy to operate with in-built monitoring to alert you when filters and lamps need replacement
- Changing filters is as easy as changing a light bulb
- Treats the drinking and cooking water of a family of six for up to a year before filter changes are typically needed
- Smart, sleek, space saving designs to fit your family lifestyle (under sink unit with separate tap or over sink unit connects to existing tap)
- The first water purification system in the world to be certified by National Sanitation Foundation International Standards 42, 53 and 55
- Available exclusively through Amway

Product review
I have used eSpring water purifiers for over a decade. I have one in my home now whilst on rain water tanks in Queensland. I had two in Victoria when connected to the town water supply. Besides removing the awful town water taste, using eSpring also improved my boyfriend at the time’s tummy aches, which he linked to the tap water he used to make his coffee in the morning!
Rather than trying to write a full product review myself, as I am not a technician in water treatment systems, I have found this review article to be comprehensive and non-buyist; if you are interested you can read it here and come back to me to order a unit..
Where to buy
If you want to purchase a unit, contact me for a quote. As a registered Amway member I can offer:
- 20% discount or more off the retail price that starts at AUD $1,424.85
- + 120 days money back guarantee
- + free delivery